Locomotive Seats Australia
Ph: 61 7 3274 1231 Fax: 61 7 3274 1320
email: sales@locoseatsoz.com
53 Magnesium Drive, Crestmead QLD 4132
Loco Seats Australia’s ergonomically designed & comfort engineered Railroad operator seat delivers exceptional ride comfort and superior life service. Built in Australia, for Australian Rail Road conditions, this seat is double the strength of all other competitors. This unit exceeds the requirements of Australian Design Rules 3 , 4 & 5 (12Kn Pull Test). The Maximum Capacity Suspension is laterally stabilized, and fully compliant to the requirements of Australian Standards pertaining to Whole Body Vibration. Locomotive Seats Australia has worked closely with many Australian Locomotive Builders, Operator’s, and Service Providers to deliver high quality products fit for purpose and suitable to the Australian Rail Road Industry. This rail road seat has many unique features exclusive to Locomotive Seats Australia, that will extend service life, reduce downtime and maintenance costs.
Available in all trims & colours.